Bare Refillery Food Products

Welcome to the Bare Refillery kitchen, where we proudly present our carefully curated range of food options. Now available for your convenience, you can order online through the form below or visit our One Love location.

We collaborate with local farmers to bring you the finest organic and high-quality ingredients that will tantalize your taste buds - all without plastic!

Bare Refillery food price list

FOOD PRICE LIST by Bare Refillery

How to order food online

  1. Fill in your name and other details.

  2. Fill out your order list - write the product name and the quantities. Please refer to the price list below for the minimum weight order.
    Example: Flax Seeds, 300 grams.

  3. Choose the delivery options. If you want to pick up the order at our trailer, please visit the event page to be updated on our upcoming market. Or simply follow our Instagram @BareRefillery.

  4. If you choose to ship, please fill in your address.

OR Use the Spreadsheet form found HERE fill it in and email it to