The Truth Behind the Packaging Industry

Hey everyone! Let’s talk about something we all deal with every day - packaging. Since I started working in the packaging industry back in 2014, I’ve seen some big changes, especially in costs and the environmental impact.

Here's what I've learned:

1. Packaging Costs Are on the Rise

In 2019, the cost of packaging was just about 11% of a product's total cost. Now, it's shot up to over 30%! This jump is because of higher costs in shipping, materials, and labor. And if we're talking about eco-friendly packaging, it costs even more.

2. Eco-Friendly Packaging: Trendy but Pricey

We're seeing more earth-friendly packaging options, which is great. But the truth is, they’re still more expensive than using single-use plastics. However, if we, as customers, start demanding more eco-friendly options, companies will listen. More demand usually means lower prices in the long run.

3. Where Does Recycled Packaging Come From?

Surprisingly, most of it is from industrial waste, not from recycling our everyday products. This is because recycling our stuff needs extra steps like cleaning, sanitizing, and sorting. We need more effort to recycle the materials we use every day!

4. Plastic vs. Paper

Did you know manufacturing plastic uses less water than making paper products? But there’s a catch – plastic isn’t as compostable as paper.

5. Biodegradable Plastics – Not Always Better

Plastic with a biodegradable additive like EPI Is not necessarily any better other than it breaks down faster in landfills as it still leeches microplastics into our environment. In fact, I tend to stay away from any biodegradable plastics because once they have this additive, they can no longer be recycled and used for any other products like playground equipment or recycled plastic bottles. Otherwise, it would break down too quickly.

6. What Does 'Compostable' Really Mean?

When a product is labelled as compostable, it means it can fully break down in the environment and leave no trace of harmful chemicals behind, it is adding to the healthy Microbiome of the soil.

7. Glass and Tin: The Recycling Champions

These materials are super recyclable and reusable. But remember, recycling uses a lot of energy, so reusing them is even better!


The less packaging we use, the better it is for our wallets and our planet. Reducing our packaging use is a win-win for us and the environment!


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